Monday, November 24, 2008

I always miss the fun!

Friday night all of my sisters including Angie went and did something fun without me again. What you might ask, well I started them on Twilight and they all went and saw the movie. I could not go due to having foot surgery. I heard from them how great the movie was and that you could hear the teen-age girls screaming for Edward. I will have to wait until Friday to go see the movie.
At Thanksgiving time I want my friends and family to know how much they mean to us. I feel very blessed to live in my new house with my family. I am grateful for those who made sacrifices for my family to live in this country. I also am also so blessed to be a member of Church. Lastly I am grateful to my parents for everything they have given to me.
We will see you all soon.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Good Gravy

Do you ever feel like nothing is going your way? I am beginning to feel that way. As I re-watched the debate last night I had a few questions for both candidates. My first question is where do they find the people to ask those questions? Second, what are you going to do for me, the little person, the person that plays by the rules? Third, do you even care what is going on in small town America? If either candidate would say, "Flo, we can't give you what we promised because we are in a crisis and we as Americans will have to pull together." I would vote for that person. What is a person to do? With less than a month to go Americans hopefully are paying attention and do what is right.

Monday, August 18, 2008

A Plague Upon Our House

Well like a plague, the Twilight series has descended upon our house. Actually, in retrospect I believe it could have been a spell collectively woven by the Philpot sisters. While there are many things, which have brought two or three of the Philpot sisters together in solidarity, I cannot remember an event that has unified the entire Philpot coven as the Twilight series has. I kid you not…as I am writing this Flo is on the phone with one of you right now. How do I know this you ask? Because not more than 20 seconds into the conversation these words have breathlessly spilled out, “Are you finished yet?” I can gauge rather quickly that whoever it is has not finished because the next words are of vicarious excitement, “Where are you at?”
There is a quiet pride that has attached itself to the Philpot women, which seems to have come from this unified endeavor, but they are not alone. I notice it elsewhere as well. I can scarcely walk the halls at church without overhearing the whisperings of “Edward” or “Jacob”, and as I lean in closer to gauge the conversation they pitifully look upon me as though I were an outsider. Their icy stares speak volumes, “He hasn’t paid his dues yet.” Yes, it is true. Like so many of my friends and male family members (in-laws included), I seem to have an aversion to reading or watching something which someone else has deemed as a must read. I know…I suppose it is a measure of the natural man coming out in me.
Well I too have succumbed to the series. After feeling the cold shoulder of popular culture, I realized that the only cure for the situation was to take my medicine and read the series. I knew it would come to this. I experienced the same aversion to the Harry Potter series, yet after reading the first book I swallowed my pride, repented, and completed all seven novels in short fashion. So now it begins, and soon I hope to find acceptance in the Twilight circles and once again with the Philpot coven.

Jason Fallis

Monday, August 11, 2008

Blog, Blog, Blog. Blog, Blog

The Fallis family is now a blog. My friends from school will find this funny because I hate the word blog. I find it a horrible word mainly because I get sick hearing it. I only decided to to do this because my youngest sisters both have blogs and have talked me into getting one. I figure if it is good enough for Melanie and JoAnn it should be good enough for me. We will add more later.