Wednesday, September 10, 2014

"Where Were You on that September Morning"



          It is September 10, 2014 and thirteen years ago today final preparations I can assume were being made to make sure the attack on the USA was ready.  19 people we know for sure, in the USA that night knew what was going to happen, but the rest of us carried on like it was a normal Monday night.  It was Monday night football the New York Giants were playing the Denver Broncos.  It was a late game for those on the east coast. 

          September 11, 2001 started off like a normal day for the Fallis household.  I got up, got in the shower, turned on the Today Show.  (We had cable then) and woke up the kids. The first plane had already hit and Matt and Katie were talking about how it might have been a small plane that accidently hit the World Trade Center.  Then, like most of America, I watched in horror as the second plane crashed into the second World Trade Center. 

          I took the kids to school and rushed home to find out what was going on.  The third plane had hit the Pentagon and then we waited to see if any other buildings were going to be hit.  We mourned for those that had already died and silently cheered for those passengers that took down the last flight.  Hero is not a strong enough adjective to describe those passengers. 

          Americans were rushing to give blood, going to church, and hear from their families.   We all can remember where we were, but do we talk about it?  Do we talk to our children about the importance of that day?  Do we let them know about the importance of history?  Have we, ourselves, learned from history?  I wonder if my Grandparents thought something like this would happen.  They had been alive for the attack on Pearl Harbor.

          I am proud to live in this country!  I hope tomorrow we can take some time and think about how we felt that day thirteen years ago.  Tomorrow no matter what we should all try and remember what it was like to be an American.  Remember on that day sacred and holy, there were no democrats or republicans we were just one country standing together.   What a blessing it would be for our country if we could once again come together.