Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Bucket List

I have been thinking a lot about what is on my bucket list; no I am not dying or have a terrible disease, at least not that I know of. Growing up there were three big to do items on my list; become a wife, a mom, and a teacher. Well two out of three isn’t bad. Since then I have added one more item, go to a Major League Baseball game. I didn’t care where or which team was playing just that I could go. Well this weekend my bucket list will be complete. You might say, “Flo, what about being a wife?” Yes, at sometime in the future that would be nice also.

As I think about my list being complete I wonder what I should add. I am not a real outdoors person so going camping in the woods for a week won’t cut it. I am not thinking that skydiving out of a plane sounds like such a good idea. So what should I add? I was thinking that one thing I would like to do is to get my masters degree in Educational Leadership. Special Education is something I would really like to get it in but, I don’t want to work solely in SPED, and with that degree that is what would happen. I have thought about getting a passport. It is something that I should have but, it isn’t like I have anywhere to go and why get a passport if you are only going to Nevada, Utah, or California for vacation. I would like to become a crafty person but I really think either you are or you aren’t and heaven knows I have really tried my hand at that.

So what do you do when everything on your list is complete and you can’t think of anything else to do? I guess you ask for help. I need some ideas that might make my list. This might seem silly to some people, of course those people have a long list or have done a whole bunch of stuff. I would like some ideas from my friends those of you who know me best. You might have some insight that I can’t think of. I am pretty content with the life I have now. Yes, there are some things I wish I could change, but those are things that I can’t do anything about now. You can’t live in the past because if you do you will make yourself sick.

So please let me know what you think I should add to my list. I would hate to think that at the age of 42 (I know I look way younger) I have accomplished everything I wanted to do.

1 comment:

Abby said...

We can craft when you come to Utah! I'm a pro (;