Saturday, July 5, 2014

His Tender Mercies

This week has been very hard for me emotionally.  I have been to be on an errand for the Lord.  There are no other ways to describe it.  There are people that you will meet in your life that just by meeting them your life has been changed for the good.  I have been able to help someone that is a dear friend and more importantly than helping her I have been able to help those that love her.

I have a friend that is dying from cancer.  She is and the fight is over and now those that love her are just helping her cross the finish line.  This sweet friend is someone that everyone knows.  People have hosted car washes, garage sales, and even selling tamales at Christmas.  If you mention her name only good things are said.  I have never heard one person say anything bad about her.  How many of us can say that about ourselves?

As this week has progressed things have gotten worse as it is at the end of life but miracles I have seen.  I think sometimes we think the miracle has to be parting the Red Sea, bringing down the walls of Jericho, or saving all the animals as God sent down a flood to clean the entire Earth.  I however, think miracles are small and usually people will not even know they have happened until years down the road.   

My favorite scripture has always been in the parable of the separating the lambs and the goats.  The people are confused when the king asks questions about helping those that are sick, afflicted, and in prison.   The king says, “In as much as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”  This parable is profound to me, because those that are the least are so grateful for those miracles of meals, a friendship, and a listening ear.  Those are all miracles to them, tender mercies from the Lord.

This week I have felt the presence of the Lord as I say things, do things, and try my best to be one of those that he has called to help.  I have also felt my dear Grandmother sit next me to me as I witnessed small miracles.  I know to people not of faith they would say I am crazy and if there was a God, He would not let this sweet lady suffer.  I however, see it this way, I learned from this week.  I learned that sometimes the Lord expects you to remember who you are and step up to the plate.  I learned that you need to be prepared.  I was able to remember that life goes on.   I held a brand new baby and marveled at how wonderful God’s plan is for us.  He truly loves us!  He knows each of us individually.  He wants the best for us.  He will work miracles and even though it might not be big, it will bless those that need it.

I have learned more than anything that a personal relationship with the Savior is more important than anything on this earth.  You might think that your are just a tiny drop of sand and your life will not mean anything but it does.  As I have witnessed as this humble cleaning lady make a huge impact on those around her.  What a blessing it has been to be on the Lord’s errand.  I can honestly say that today as we celebrate her life, I am blessed and will be a better person for knowing her.  Thank you Benny for sharing this with me.  I know that you have your mansion prepared for you in the next life. 

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