Sunday, February 12, 2012


Well it has been almost a month since my last blog so I need to add another post. I have been thinking for the last few weeks what I would write about. It has been hard to come up with something important to write or share. These last few weeks I have really spent a lot time on my knees praying to my Father in Heaven. I have had many questions that I felt needed to be answered. I have not always been real faithful in saying prayers; I think most of us are like that. When things go well we might forget to be thankful for our blessings. When we have trails arise we are on our knees asking for help. So I thought I would share what I have learned the last few weeks. None of this is anything new, just a reminder of what I have already known.

The first thing I learned is that my Father in Heaven wants me to be happy. Not only for this lifetime but for the next, He truly wants me to find peace and joy. This is not always easy on this Earth. If you are a believer in Christ you know that we were sent here to be tested. We were not sent here to have it easy. Our faith is tested all the time in different ways. Some of us seem to have it harder than others but everyone is tested according to their ability. This has not always worked out well for me. In 1 Corinthians 10:13 we are promised that we won’t be tested above what we are able to bear. So where does this happiness lie? In the peace and comfort that Jesus is the Christ and the Savior of the world.

The second thing I have learned is that I want my children more than anyone else on Earth to find this same peace and joy. I want them to know that the Atonement of Christ is real and it is for them. Not only in the Garden of Gethsemane did Christ take upon Him our sins but also all of our hurt and heartache. If my children know this their lives will be more peaceful. This does not mean they won’t have trials; they will just have more peace as they go through them.

The third thing I have learned is that faith is a verb it is not a noun. We must be actively engaged in good works to strengthen our relationship with our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. Just saying we believe is not enough we must act upon it. In James 2:20 it talks about faith without works is dead. We must be working hard to increase our faith. What are some of those ways? I think we can find the answer in the Matthew 25:35-40. Have we helped the “least of these my brethren?” I know my little family has felt the love of that scripture this last year.

The final thing I have learned is it is okay to ask for help. The reason Heavenly Father gave us prayer was so we could communicate directly to Him. He wants to talk to us. I think about how much I want to hear about my children’s day. He wants to hear from us also, not only the good but the bad too. He is there to help us. He is the Father of our spirits and He loves us. Think about the love you have as parents and the love your parents have for us. If you are not a parent yet, think about how you feel towards siblings, nieces, nephews, or any other member of your family. Not only your family but also your friends, because I think they are our extended families.

So the next time you are in trouble pray, but why wait until you need help. He wants us to talk to Him all the time. Give a prayer of thanksgiving. Who of us doesn’t want to hear the words, “Thank you?” We all do. I hope that you all know that our Father in Heaven wants us to talk to Him and is ready to answer your prayers.


AngelaGale said...

Thank you for your beautiful posts flo! What a wonderful thought about how we want to hear from our kids how their day went and it is a similar comparison. Arya is in school this year and i know she has struggled a few times with some things and she is so hesitant to just talk to me about them. I keep trying to tell her that I could help her if she would just talk to me.. I guess Heavenly Father must feel the same

flo fallis said...

Thanks for your comments. I love you all so much! Give everyone a hug and kiss from the Fallis Family.