Friday, August 5, 2011

Friends for a lifetime

Well this is my official last post for the summer. I first want to dedicate this post to my very best friend in the world Anna Gosma. I met Anna 13 years ago at the library. David was trying to pull the fire extinguisher off of the wall next to the fire truck. If you live or have lived in Havasu you know that the fire truck was at the old library and the kids could sit in it during story time with Mrs. Brown. Anna was pregnant with Ethan and had just moved to town. A few days later in one of the store parking lots (I think it was K Mart) I told her about MOMS Club. We became instant friends. Oh, Patty Poorten thank you for starting that wonderful group in Havasu. As I look at many of my friends it is because of that group.

Anna and I have been through the birth of 3 children, two of hers and one of mine. We have been through good times and bad. We laugh whenever we see a Hooters and she has been there to comfort me in my darkest hours. Hopefully I have done the same for her. She moved to Michigan about 7 years ago and then came back 5 years later. We haven’t seen much of each other however; we do talk on the phone almost every day. She was the first person next to my parents I called when Jason said he was going to file for divorce. I have cried on the phone with her more than anyone else. I have also laughed harder with her than anyone else.

Today Anna and I had lunch together for the last time. She told the waitress we would need a pitcher of Diet Coke. Anna understands the importance of a good soda when we meet. We talked about her house back east and her trip. We talked about the kids and how David is now going through the 14 year old boy stage that I told her would happen. We talked about making sure that if we saw Hooters we would take a picture and text each other. I would share the Hooters story but to be honest Anna and I are the only ones that ever laugh. We also talked about how I am “Great-Grandma Flo Flo,” a title I will always cherish. After lunch we hugged each other good bye. I will miss my friend but she is only a phone call away.

Why is this important to those that read this blog? Well the reason is you don’t know how you will touch someone’s life. That day I smiled and said, “Hello,” to a young mom who was going to have a baby changed my life. It was something so simple but that one word and the smile that went with it made all the difference in the world. Who would have thought?

As school starts I would like to remind us to all smile and say, “Hello.” It might change your life.

1 comment:

suzin said...

Flo...I love your blogs...just read them all. I did not know that you and Anna were that close...she is a funny and rememorable person. I also did not know she left town again..where did she go?? Keep on writing cuz I love it. Love the editing blog too...I am always editing my thoughts cuz I am always thinking about every aspect of the thought.