Saturday, May 28, 2011

A quick update

It has been a few days since Thursday. I can honestly glad to have that day behind me. Things are back to normal and life goes on. What I mean by that is laundry, grocery shopping, visits to the library, and going to Wal Mart mean your life is normal. Nothing has changed. I am grateful to family and friends who have helped. I am blessed to have you in my life.
On a post script my sisters (yes more than one of you) wanted me to clarify the abuser that I mentioned. This abuse happened at the hands of someone that is not related to me at all. I have been blessed to have good men in my family that have been taught to protect women not hurt them.
Well it is Saturday of a three day weekend which means that I get to enjoy a nap. Thank you for your feedback. Enjoy this weekend. Please take time to remember those who died fighting for our great nation. We in Havasu will hope to not see too many pasties and speedos:)

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